Our conventional, full-sized, steelpan collections cater for the individual player, small group or institutional band, as well as the orchestra. Each pan is tuned to exact tonal specifications at a standard pitch of A440, with provisions upon request for alternative pitch standards. Panland offers the widest range of products that encompasses all the various voice ranges of the orchestra.

The following points are applicable to all products in this section:
  • All Conventional Steelpans are hand made from 22.75 inch diameter drums which are manufactured using specified carbon steel. 
  • Note layouts indicated are standard and can be varied on request. Additional  charges may apply
  • Notes are marked and lettered on all standard coated pans. Markings for other coatings will be done on request.
  • A Certificate of Authenticity is provided with every Instrument which carries its description and Serial Number.

All prices are quoted in US dollars, and are applicable to purchases for delivery outside of Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean. For local and regional purchases and deliveries please contact us for pricing information.

High Tenor Pan - Powder Coated

Picture of High Tenor Pan - Powder Coated
The High Tenor Pan is also called the D-Lead, Soprano or Melody Pan, and carries the melody in the steelpan orchestra.

$800.00 (USD)

Low Tenor Pan - Powder Coated

Picture of Low Tenor Pan - Powder Coated
The Low Tenor Pan is also called the C-Lead, Soprano or Melody Pan. Generally used for melody

$900.00 (USD)

Double Tenor Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Double Tenor Pan Set - Powder Coated
The Double Tenor Pan Set consists of two drums. This set of instruments is also called the Double Lead. Usually plays melody and counter - melody as it is an extended range of the Low Tenor Pan.

$1,270.00 (USD)

Double Second Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Double Second Pan Set - Powder Coated
The Double Second Pan Set consists of two drums. This set of instruments is also called the Double Alto. Plays Harmony, counter - melody.

$1,330.00 (USD)

Double Guitar Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Double Guitar Pan Set - Powder Coated
This instrument set produces the accompanying chords to the melody, and has the strumming effect of a guitar.

$1,400.00 (USD)

Triple Cello Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Triple Cello Pan Set - Powder Coated
The 3-drum set of Cello Pans are the tenor voice in the steel orchestra and are used for low harmony and melody support. A variation of this instrument is called the Triple Guitar.

$1,550.00 (USD)

Four Cello Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Four Cello Pan Set - Powder Coated
The Four Cello pan set is also commonly called the Four Pan. An extended range of the Cello instrument using the combined sound of four drums, allowing for a greater role in an orchestra.

$1,760.00 (USD)

Quadrophonic Pan Set

Picture of Quadrophonic Pan Set
The Quadraphonic Pan Set is also commonly called Quads or Quadros. This four pan instrument has the widest range in the orchestra. It is generally used to reinforce the melody played by frontline instruments and for providing harmony support.

$1,980.00 (USD)

Tenor Bass Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Tenor Bass Pan Set - Powder Coated
The Tenor Bass Pan Set is also commonly called Four Bass or High Bass, representing the higher range of the pans that provide the Bass voice in the orchestra and reinforces the Bass lines.

$1,780.00 (USD)

Six Bass Pan Set - Powder Coated

Picture of Six Bass Pan Set - Powder Coated
The Six Bass provides the harmonic foundation of the orchestra. It has the lowest range and plays bass lines, giving it a full deep tone.

$3,000.00 (USD)